My 4-step Radical Transformation formula will teach you the tools you need to master your mind and emotions, and as your Mentor, I will guide you through these steps.


In my Radical Transformation programme, you will have 4 exclusive weeks (4×2 hour sessions) with me to refresh your clarity, re-energise your focus, and redefine your life goals.

Comprising of weekly private sessions with hands-on practical guidance and support, that will allow you to let go of that inner resistance and transform every area of your life!

We will uncover your harmful habits, release your need to control, and create a purposeful and meaningful strategy to take you forward into a life of abundance.

My 4-step Radical Transformation formula will teach you the tools you need to master your mind and emotions, and as your Mentor, I will guide you through these steps…


Week 1-2: Self-Reflection & Self Awareness


It’s time to uncover those limiting beliefs and the past experiences that have been holding you back for too long. Reflection is an important part of the learning process and when you accept that those negative beliefs do not define you and are merely stories you have told yourself, you can begin to achieve the success you dream of.



With my help, you will be able to release the limitations you have placed on yourself and become the director of your own story so you can truly transform your life. When you let go of your old ways and the things that are bringing you down, everything you desire will begin to flow into your life…


Week3-4: Refine & Radiate


In this step, we’ll work on the strategies you need to help you break free from self-doubt and refine your mindset to make the necessary changes. We’ll identify the areas in your life that are most urgently in need of redirection and together we will create a plan of action that will lead you to success.


We will work on your internal toolkit in the final week of the programme to make sure you are supported in achieving the objectives identified in our action plan. You’ll learn how to bounce back from setbacks, overcome obstacles, and radiate self-belief to achieve your goals.